Frequently Asked Questions

What payment methods do you accept?

We process payments through Stripe, and we accept all major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

Can I cancel my account at any time?

Yes. You can cancel whenever you want. Just write to us at support@seodity.com.

Is it possible to see not-provided keywords from Google Analytics?

Yes, Seodity will show you almost every keyword that appears in SERP. Thus, you can no longer guess what keywords provide visitors on your landing pages or blog articles.

Will I increase my website's traffic with Seodity?

Absolutely, this is the idea of Seodity. We will show you how to do a deep marketing analysis of your competitors. Thus, you can create your marketing plan and implement it very quickly.

Can I check the website if I'm not an owner?

Yes, we allow everyone to check every website. You can use every Seodity's feature in this way, like organic traffic, paid traffic, technical analysis, content explorer, and backlinks.

Can I use organic traffic to find content ideas?

Yes, you can find the best keywords and topics that work for your competitors. Another way to do that is our Content Explorer, where you can see which articles have the highest traffic.

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